One great feature is how there's an awesome terminal built right in. It runs bash by default, and has a lot of the GNU tools (and I'm a HUGE GNU screen fan) installed either by default or with the dev tools. Most important is its support for a SSH connection and X forwarding running on top of that. Previous semesters saw projects that ran entirely in console mode, or were (mostly) cross-platform Java apps, while now I'm writing GLUT apps that need a screen to display on, so I'm moving outside of simple terminal use.
My preference, so far, has been vim in an SSH login. It's easy enough to learn, and I haven't really had the time or desire to learn emacs to date. My only issue is having to jump into pico for a Makefile, since I have vim set up to use 2 spaces instead of a tab. Aside from some of the usual *NIX grumbles (specifically, constant use of the command line), this is a great experience. Running inside screen, a utility I discovered only a few months ago, has seen my productivity double or triple, and allows me to do work from anywhere for either a few minutes or a few hours. The only issue is that a wireless connection is a bit much for a SSH session, with the lag ruining the otherwise native speed of access.
As a bonus, here are my .vimrc and .screenrc files:
set background=dark
syntax on
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=4
set expandtab
set nowrap
set ruler
set number
set numberwidth=4
set cursorline
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{+b kw}[ %H ] %{yK} (%n). %t %-=%{kk} %{gk}%c.%s %{yk}%d.%m.%Y"
startup_message off
screen -t screen1 1
screen -t screen2 2
screen -t screen3 3
screen -t screen4 4
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{+b kw}[ %H ] %{yK} (%n). %t %-=%{kk} %{gk}%c.%s %{yk}%d.%m.%Y"
startup_message off
screen -t screen1 1
screen -t screen2 2
screen -t screen3 3
screen -t screen4 4
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